Tuesday, April 8, 2014

7 of 10 travellers always overspend budget when traveling

Visiting Tonle Sap floating village with the Russian ladies

EnSurvey.com is launching embeddable social poll feature with instant generated engaging infographic results this Wednesday and this is a sneak preview of how it will look like using my favourite context, travel.

The new features also included an upgraded infographics and easy voting that doesn't require sign up using Facebook plugin, with 2 questions of each social poll it provides some interesting reading experience for contributors.

My team and I are very excited about the newly improved experience, which aims to help news/media publishers and bloggers like myself to increase site engagement using social polls and beautiful infographics.

7 of 10 travellers always overspent budget when traveling

Some noticeable stats
  • Travellers who choose next travel destination based on currency exchange with 60% saying they will not likely to overspend.
  • Travellers who like shopping, 100% claims they will over spend.
We are still experimenting with the features and I personally believe it's going to help many news/media contributors to increase site activities.

Please share if you like it to help my humble startup.